Category: Uncategorized

  • VPC networks

    In Google Cloud, a subnet is a regional resource that has a defined range of IP addresses associated with it. Two VMs in the same zone and on the same network communicate for free, but machines in different zones, even if those zones are in the same region, are charged a network egress fee. If said machines are in…

  • URL map

    A URL map is a set of Google Cloud configuration resources that direct requests for URLs to backend services or backend buckets. The URL map does so by using the hostname and path portions for each URL it processes: This diagram shows the structure of the load balancing configuration objects in relation to each other. The simplest URL map only has…

  • Managed Instance Group

    Group of identical machines created from a template. Use case: When need VM elasticity based on demand

  • Cloud SQL vs. Cloud Spanner

    Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner are both managed database services offered by Google Cloud, but they cater to different use cases and have distinct architectures and features. Cloud SQL: Cloud Spanner: