Category: Cloud

  • VPC peering

    VPC Peering connects two VPC Networks: VPC Network Peering does not incur the network latency, security, and cost drawbacks that are present when using external IP addresses or VPNs.

  • Network pricing

    This table is from the Compute Engine documentation, and it lists the price of each traffic type.

  • Routes

    There are 3 kinds of routes: Subnet routes, Static routes, Dynamic routes.

  • Shared VPC

    Shared VPC allows an organization to connect resources from multiple projects to a common Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network so that they can communicate with each other securely and efficiently by using internal IP addresses from that network. When you use Shared VPC, you designate a project as a host project and attach one or more other service projects to it. The VPC…

  • Google Cloud Setup

    Before you run production workloads on Google Cloud, we recommend you configure an initial foundation to support your work. Google Cloud setup helps administrators configure Google Cloud for scalable workloads. The setup process guides you through an interactive procedure that helps you create a foundational architecture with best practices in mind.