Category: BUSI

  • Digital Nomad

    A digital nomad is someone who uses technology to work remotely while traveling and living in various locations around the world.

  • Take a leap of faith

    Taking a leap of faith is often necessary when all the answers aren’t clear, but you believe in the possibility of a positive outcome. It encourages boldness and trust in your decisions, even when the path is uncertain.

  • Open SPF decision making

    While the shortest path algorithm is a formal method used in graph theory, its underlying principles—finding the most efficient way to achieve a goal—can be translated into real-life situations where you want to minimize time, effort, or cost in reaching an objective. To apply the concept of the shortest path in life, you can follow…

  • Approximate Solution

    In real-world applications, there may not be enough time to wait for an exact solution. Approximation algorithms can provide a near-optimal solution much faster.

  • Misinformation

    Media is a source of misinformation

  • Independent thinking

    Why independent thinking is important? Simply because nobody is in your shoes.

  • work hard, stay humble

    “work hard, stay humble” is the most effective way to educate children, as learned from Eric, CEO of Zoom

  • Show respect

  • Know your goals


    But life isn’t only about visible realities. There are invisible and unseen nuances…things that change us and shape us into who we are. A big part of my life and yours is this unseen but very influential stuff. The part that hides between the lines. –Orel Hershier The book blends personal stories from Hershiser’s life…